🌶️Main challenges

Another scam? Another rug pull? Another crashed exchange? Life is full of surprises.

Constant Uncertainty

Things change. If we want to stay afloat, we have to keep adapting.

We update our internal working models with every passing second. Our perceptual systems are driven by anomaly: the things worth noting are the things unaccounted for. We try to predict outcomes at every turn and account for off-hand possibilities, and yet our knowledge of what’s to come always remains distressingly limited. We live in a constant state of tension.

Nowhere is this more true than in the world of crypto. We bet on a chart rising. We place our hard-earned money into another promising new project, hoping. It’s all guesswork. Our emotions fluctuate with the market.

Another scam? Another rug pull? Another crashed exchange? Life is full of surprises.

Stressed Systems

Crypto so far has had a lot of promises, and has offered some sizable returns, too. But things tend not to last very long around here. In this constantly shifting landscape, it is difficult to tell the good projects apart from the bad ones, to predict which promising new development will turn out to be merely another scam.

It’s an ongoing negotiation between us and this volatile space. Sometimes it seems like it is too risky to invest in crypto, despite our best intentions and beliefs about its possibilities. Get involved with enough crashes, and you’ll find yourself being less open, less flexible, grasping at any semblance of stability.

As anomalies become the norm, we become hyper-sensitive to any sign of threat, reactive, easily triggered, flinching at twigs. We become flighty with our funds, or else we freeze up completely.

Healthy skepticism can quickly turn into a life of solipsism and isolation, marked by permanent uncertainty and constant doubt: a life gripped with fear. It is easy to become closed off, our attention contracting to a narrow tunnel, becoming focused on mere survival and short-term gains, clinging to what little we already have.

When all our energy is spent in this heightened self-protective state, looking out for any and all signals of danger, it is to no one’s benefit, not even our own. It is an unproductive state. Nothing gets done, no project is carried through to its full potential. This state of constant vigilance is costly in itself: it is costing us missed opportunities. Even great ideas can flutter out without the proper funding. It’s all of our loss.

To survive in the long term, and to flourish, we have to work together. We rely on each other. We have to risk trusting others.

That’s it. We have a trust problem in crypto—and our protocol aims to change that.

Building Long-Term Trust

We are in it for the long term.

Attentive to the needs of both seasoned investors and up-and-coming projects, buidl1 aims to provide a simple and stress-free solution to the trust problem we have in crypto. Our protocol allows for trust between transacting parties to be re-established gradually, at its own pace. Some things change slowly. That’s okay.

Be calm and collected as you watch trust build up again: step-by-step, second-by-second.

With mitigated investor risk and improved project accountability, you can once more clearly see this ever-changing space for what it is: a new world, rich with possibilities.

Last updated